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As an exporter, India is especially unique. Almost in every sector, there's a globally competitive Indian firm exporting to the world. The problem is, we don't do it at scale. How do we get our export engine firing on all cylinders? Rahul Ahluwalia, Director at Foundation For Economic Development, discusses with The Secretariat. Watch the full clip.
Should "weak global demand" make us adjust our expectations about India's GDP growth. Foundation For Economic Development Director Rahul Ahluwalia points out that India's share of world merchandise exports is just 1.8%. Hence, the question shouldn't be about global demand, but about how India can expand its share of global exports. Watch the full clip.
Agriculture was termed the first engine of development in Budget 2025. But can it deliver growth? Plenty of schemes and sops is how one may describe the outlay for agriculture in every Budget. But to really improve the lives of farmers and alleviate distress in the sector, we need to alter the incentives for farmers in a way that furthers international competitiveness and boosts exports. Piyush Doshi, Operating Partner at Foundation For Economic Development, in conversation with Ayushman Jamwal on CNN-News18. Watch the full clip.